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  • Picnic
  • October Fest

Church Activities

February – Friendship lunch at Olive Garden was a great success.
March – our pre-Lent lunch provided fellowship as we looked forward to Lent
April – Holy week is full of activities.  Don’t forget to come to the breakfast Easter morning at 9:30am. (See Events page for more details)
May 3rd @ 7pm- organ concert by Samuel our organist
June 8th – 75th Anniversary Sunday celebration
August – picnic TBD – music, food and fellowship
Sept-Oct – game or movie night

Dining Disciples groups meet once a month for lunch or dinner. Click here for more information.

Bible Study


Adult Christian Education Classes/ book / Bible studies – We usually study a specific book of the Bible for several weeks or a special topic.  This varies throughout the year. 


Women’s Prayer Group – the women meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00 via a conference call.  You can dial into the meeting.  712-775-7270 code 204665


Chancel Choir


Music for services: We welcome musicians and singers to provide uplifting music for our worship services. Contact the church to get involved. For Sunday 11:00am services we usually have soloist from our choir or groups sing.  The 6PM CAYA service meets Sundays at 6:00pm and has singers and musicians.


Community Activities


The Pittsburgh Literacy Group has an office in our building.  They provide many learning programs for the area.




Looking for a place to hold your own activity? Our sanctuary, fellowship hall, and chapel are available for special occasions like weddings, baptisms and other events.  Click here for more information.